Apart from a stack of new science fiction, which is my favoured diversion from reality, I’m working my way through three volumes that are opening my mind to new perspectives.
The Digital and AI Coaches’ Handbook, to which I co-contributed a chapter captures a very wide spectrum of approaches to how new technology will continue to affect the world of coaching. I’m enjoying the challenge of linking ideas from different contributors to identify new areas for reflection and investigation.
The Atomic Human: Understanding ourselves in the Age of AI addresses these same technologies from a very different viewpoint — what do they tell us about what it means to be human?
And to make it even more complicated, Molecular Storms is an ambitious attempt to link the engines that drive the cells in our body to the engines that drive the Universe. It’s not quite a theory of everything, but it does provide a sense of the continuity between multiple, usually disconnected scientific disciplines from molecular biology to the formation of galaxies.
It’s this interlinking of ideas from diverse perspectives that I find most fascinating – especially when it generates unexpected metaphors that stimulate new ways of thinking about familiar problems.
©️David Clutterbuck, 2024