The key roles and responsibilities of a coach include:
- Setting the right atmosphere for a coaching conversation
- Building rapport and trust – making the coachee feel comfortable and able to speak openly
- Helping the coachee work out what they want to achieve and why
- Helping them work out how they are going to achieve their goals
- Giving them objective feedback about how they are progressing (in the context of line manager coaching – this may not always be possible or desirable in externally resourced coaching)
- Helping them gather and manage their own feedback
- Giving them support and encouragement when they need it
- Recognising achievements
- Reviewing the quality of the coaching relationship from time to time
The role of the coachee is to seize the opportunity to learn. Key responsibilities include:
- Identifying and/or accepting the need for personal change
- Discussing, and agreeing what they want to achieve and why
- Committing to change
- Gathering and reflecting on feedback from others
- Being open and honest with the coach (and self) about their thoughts and their progress
- Experimenting to learn
- Keeping a learning log to track their progress
- Taking time between coaching sessions to reflect on their learning
- Reviewing the quality of the coaching relationship from time to time©
David Clutterbuck. All rights reserved