Talent Management

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Traditional approaches to talent management and succession planning are no longer fit for purpose. Indeed, they have in many cases become part of the problem, being linear system approaches to issues that involve complex, adaptive systems. We work with heads of talent to create flexible, responsive processes that shift accountability and responsibility for self-development and career planning more towards the talented employee.


A complex, adaptive systems approach to talent management and succession:

  • Retains talent longer
  • Enables genuine talent to rise rather than sociopaths
  • Shifts responsibility for talent development to the individual instead of the organisation
  • Greatly increases manpower flexibility


Professor David Clutterbuck explains what Talent Management is about.


15 key things your organization can do to make talent management work

How well do each of the following statements describe you? Score yourself from 1 (not like me at all) to 5 (just like me).

  • Q1Redefined talent in ways that allow everyone to know what you mean

  • Q2Given control of talent back to talent – listen to them!

  • Q3Equipped line managers to have honest and authentic developmental conversations

  • Q4Made people accountable for their self-development and career development

  • Q5Replaced traditional appraisals with employee driven processes

  • Q6Focuses on strengths more than weaknesses

  • Q7Repositioned “HR bling” so it is useful instead of part of the problem

  • Q8Distributed leadership more widely

  • Q9Moved to collective responsibility for team members’ development and performance

  • Q10Made leaders role models for developing themselves and others

  • Q11Abandoned rigid succession planning – plan for felicitous surprises

  • Q12Rethought the boundaries between people inside and outside the organization

  • Q13Made “requisite diversity” central to manpower planning

  • Q14Focused talent building and talent recognition on teams rather than on individuals

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Our courses are aimed at both ‘External’ professional coaches & mentors and ‘Internal’ coaches & mentors for client organisations such as business leaders, managers, staff & HR professionals. All coaching & mentoring by CCMI and its network partners is compliant with the International Standards for Mentoring Programmes in Employment.


Check out our recommended range of books to complement CCMI’s programmes and services. Based on extensive research, many of them have been written by Professor David Clutterbuck and many co-edited or contributed to by other CCMI members.