Coach Development Centres
Supporting the development of internal coaches
Coach development centres are based on established good practice from assessment centres used to select external executive coaches. They differ from assessment centres in that they:
- Are aimed less at selection than at helping coaches create and pursue personal development plans, based on objective feedback on their coaching practice
- Take place at least twice for each individual, to allow coaches and their supervisors to assess progress against coach development plans
- Are integrated with a coach development planning process and a portfolio of resources for learning support
They provide a practical and highly effective means of building an internal coaching capability, which can to a greater or lesser extent replace external resourcing of executive coaches.
The centres themselves are generally one day in person (for cohorts of up to 12 coaches) but can be adapted as needed to smaller virtual sessions, delivered across a longer timeframe.
Typically, we would invest three days in a centre:
– one day in co-designing the centre (based upon your specific needs), planning the event & briefing internal coaches
– one day running the centre itself
– one day of ongoing support across the following 12 months, supporting you & your organisation to run future cohort centres
Internal coaches, who have at least a foundation certificate accredited by a coaching professional body (e.g. EMCC, ICF AfC) and/or at least six months of practice in the role.
For the Coach:
- Clarity about their development as a coach
- Increased confidence in their ability to have a positive impact
For the Company:
- Confidence that internal coaches are as good or better than external equivalents
- Substantial cost savings compared with external provision
- More focused continuous development of the coach pool, based on insight into coaches’ developmental needs
- The knowledge and skills to repeat centres / cohorts themselves without external support (we license the process & materials to you as a 5 year license)
- Coaches identify their own 12 month development paths and are supported in pursuing them
- The Company learns to run these centres internally
All of CCMI’s products and services align to industry best practice and international standards from the EMCC and other major accrediting bodies.