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Mentoring remains largely a niche market, with very few provider organisations specialising in it. It’s therefore relatively easy to achieve market differentiation, especially with the CCMI international brand.

CCMI has pioneered good practice in mentoring programmes and training of mentors and mentees since programmes first appeared in the early 1980s, and our Founder David Clutterbuck, is the world’s leading authority in this area. We have supported hundreds of organizations worldwide in designing and sustaining effective mentoring programmes. We led the research team that developed the international standards for mentoring programmes.


  • Retaining talent (mentees are at least one third more likely to stay)
  • Getting to know talent and bridging the generation gap
  • Addressing diversity and inclusion
  • Creating strategic alignment where it counts
  • Reducing the time people new in role take to get up to speed
  • Raise the productivity of new staff (new salespeople with a mentor sell 1/3 more)

Areas covered:

  • Consultancy
  • One-to-One Training for Top Management
  • Training for Mentors & Mentees
  • Training for HR & Others in Designing and Managing Mentoring Programmes
  • Helping Client Organisations Achieve the ISMCP Standard and Award
  • Focused Mentoring programmes
  • Assessor Courses
  • On-line Support

WHAT Is Mentoring?

Professor David Clutterbuck explains what Mentoring is about.


How does your mentoring programme compare with world class?

It’s one thing to have a mentoring programme, but does it deliver the benefits it should? This self-assessment questionnaire is based on global good practice and the experience of hundreds of mentoring programme managers over more than 35 years.

How well do each of the following statements describe you? Score yourself from 1 (not like me at all) to 5 (just like me).

  • Q1Do all mentors and mentees fully understand and value the purpose behind the programme?

  • Q2Is it clear to all how the mentoring programme supports corporate (or professional body) goals and priorities?

  • Q3Are there several champions for the programme at top management level (or, for professional associations, leading figures in the field)?

  • Q4Is there a dedicated mentoring programme manager?

  • Q5Has the programme manager been trained in the role?

  • Q6Is there a steering group that includes representatives of the target audiences for mentors and mentees?

  • Q7Is everyone involved in the mentoring programme clear about the difference between mentoring and other roles, such as counselling and sponsorship?

  • Q8Is there a clear distinction and separation between the role of a mentor and the coaching role of a line manager?

  • Q9Do all mentors receive at least four hours of trainingat the start of their relationships?

  • Q10Do all participants receive additional training and support over the lifetime of the relationship?

  • Q11Do other key stakeholders (such as, the mentee’s boss) receive an appropriate briefing about their roles and responsibilities?

  • Q12Is professional supervision ( from an experienced coach and/or mentor supervisor trained to enable the coach or mentor to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of the mentor or coach, their clients and their organisations) provided for mentors?.

  • Q13Do mentees frequently become mentors in turn?

  • Q14Do mentors re-enlist, year after year?

  • Q15Is there an easily accessible resource for participants to turn to when they need deeper knowledge?

  • Q16Does the matching process take a range of factors into account over and above a specific learning need?

  • Q17Is there an effective process to intervene and provide a re-match when relationships don’t work out?

  • Q18Is there a process for weeding out “toxic” mentors?

  • Q19Do mentoring conversations cover deeper topics than just a transfer of experience?

  • Q20Do mentors and mentees understand how to be and use a role model effectively?

  • Q21Do you have a process to check how well each mentoring relationship is progressing?

  • Q22Is there a clearly understood procedure for re-matching, when pairings don’t work out?

  • Q23Is the programme regularly benchmarked against “best in class” programmes elsewhere?

  • Q24Has it been benchmarked positively against the EMCC Global Self-Assessment Framework - International Standards for Mentoring and Coaching Programmes (ISMCP)?

  • Q25Do you have credible data (beyond general satisfaction) to demonstrate a high return on investment from the programme?1

  • Q26Do mentees value mentoring at least as much as classroom training for their development?

  • Q27 Does each formal relationship come to a clear, acknowledged and positive end?

  • Q28Are mentoring conversations genuinely private and confidential?

  • Q29Is there a succession plan in place for the mentoring programme manager?

Our free content is available to everyone. It includes a limited range of Blogs, Videos and Briefing Papers on key topics and the latest trends. If you want to expand your knowledge even further, or support your development or business with up-to-date information and research, sign up for a FREE TRIAL to gain access to the full content of over 500 blogs, briefing papers and videos within our resource library.

Membership with CCMI allows affordable access to over 500 blogs, briefing papers, videos and more from Professor David Clutterbuck. It’s regularly updated to keep you at the leading edge of coaching & mentoring.


Our courses are aimed at both ‘External’ professional coaches & mentors and ‘Internal’ coaches & mentors for client organisations such as business leaders, managers, staff & HR professionals. All coaching & mentoring by CCMI and its network partners is compliant with the International Standards for Mentoring Programmes in Employment.


Check out our recommended range of books to complement CCMI’s programmes and services. Based on extensive research, many of them have been written by Professor David Clutterbuck and many co-edited or contributed to by other CCMI members.