Current Research Projects
Professor David Clutterbuck’s career and reputation has been built upon a rigorous academic approach to research from real people working in the real world. We use that grounded data to shape the practical tools, techniques and theories we create rather than creating theories and frameworks in an academic environment and try to make them fit every day life.
If you’d like to take part in our research, the current projects are detailed here

2023 Global Research Study - key themes facing coaches in 2023
The focus for this short study is to explore a series of key themes facing coaches in 2023 such as Digital Coaching, AI and Coaching Ethics, as well as finding out about day-to-day practices.
This 2023 study is your opportunity to share your views on key topics facing the coaching industry today. The results will help us in the coaching profession to better understand these emerging themes and shape policy and professional development. This is a collaborative project and draws together multiple organisations and individuals from professional bodies, coach training schools, universities and coaching companies. But to get the best insights we need your support.
The research questionnaire is in two parts:
(i) Part 1 takes around 14 minutes,
(ii) Part 2 taking a further 12 minutes
The second part of the research goes into more depth of questions
The questionnaire is anonymous. The survey will not ask for your name, email or similar data.
We hope to be able to share the results with you later in the year, as well as a copy of the report.
Lead researchers: Prof Jonathan Passmore, Henley Business School
Who can take part: Internal & External Coaches
Close Date: Until further notice

How can employees be more empowered?
Anna van der Velde & team have launched an app that provides your employees on a daily basis with evidence based training impulses to take on more responsibility.
Be among the first to experience this training which is embedded in the free research phase.
What you get?
- 6-week autonomous online training for your employees via an App
- Enhanced employee empowerment, motivation, and a positive team dynamic
- Evidence-based recommendations from professors based on your training results
Lead researchers: Anna van der Velde, Professor Dr. Fabiola H. Gerpott,
Dr. Jason Gawke, WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.
Who can take part: Any team (1 leader and at least 3 team members) working in Benelux (Netherlands, Luxemburg, Belgium) or DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) regions.
Close Date: Until further notice

Supervising coaches team coaches
The aim of this survey is to help establish current practice in a rapidly evolving field. Formal accreditations in team coaching have resulted in an estimated quadrupling of the number of coaches working with intact teams. Both EMCC and ICF require team coaches to be supervised, but there are no formal guidelines as to what effective supervision looks like in this context or whether supervisors are trained and | or accredited.
Lead researchers: Tony Dickel & Michelle Chan – Transcend (CMI’s China Partners)
Who can take part: The survey is aimed at two audiences: team coaches and supervisors. If you are both, please complete both sections.
Close Date: Until further notice

The Impact of Coaching on Women Leadership
We are exploring how coaching is creating value for women in leadership.
If you are a woman in leadership, please complete this short survey (about 3 mins).
If you are a coach, please share this link with women leaders you have worked with.
Your answers will help encourage more organisations to invest in coaching in order to empower women to become the leaders the world needs.
Lead researchers: Tony Dickel & Michelle Chan – Transcend (CMI’s China Partners)
Who can take part: Any woman in a leadership role who has been coached.
Close Date: Until further notice

Reflective Practice Research
Purpose: “Reflective practice” covers a wide range of approaches and philosophies. Yet there has been surprisingly little research into how coaches, mentors and supervisors engage in it. It is designed for anyone who believes they do reflective practice as part of their routine, however infrequently. We are not defining reflective practice so your views are not influenced by ours! The findings will inform a new book provisionally entitled: “Creative Reflective Practice in Coaching – an International Celebration.”
Lead researchers: David Clutterbuck & Eve Turner
Who can take part: coaches, mentors and supervisor
Close Date: End May 2023

Upcoming Research
- Team Coaching in Pairs.
- The Incoming Team Leader / Rapid Teaming.
- Team Coach ROI.
If you’d like to be involved or to take part in the research, please get in touch via [email protected]

Closed Research Awaiting Publications
- Coach Maturity
- Managing organisational politics
- Neurodiversity in Coaching
- Coach Competency Stages
- HRD Transitions