Change in teams isn’t always obvious

It’s a truism that change is often more noticeable from outside than from within. Team coaches often assume that, just because they can see significant improvements in team behaviours or functions, the team itself is equally aware. That’s often not the case. So, how do we make them more aware?

Some of the simplest approaches include:
  1. Make a note of significant examples of the team either acting cohesively, purposefully and supportively; or the opposite. When appropriate, share these to illustrate the differences.
  2. Use questionnaires repeatedly at key points to measure critical aspects (for example, the level of psychological safety).
  3. Capture at the end of each team coaching session “What’s different about this team?”. Keep a record of these and use them to help the team create its own narrative of its change journey.
Simply raising the team’s awareness that it is changing encourages the members to embark on deeper change. It also increases appreciation for what the team coaches are doing!

© David Clutterbuck, 2023

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