Fun at Work Diagnostic

Use this simple diagnostic tool to assess how much fun you have at work.
Tick all those that apply with a Yes. 

  • Most of the time, I am energised by the work I do
  • While I can switch off from my work when I go home, I look forward to picking it up again when I return
  • I often find that I have a bright idea about something at work, when I’m relaxing and doing something else – and I’m OK about that
  • I feel I am constantly learning and growing through my work
  • I get a strong feeling of self-worth through my work
  • I see clearly how my work contributes towards a worthwhile, bigger outcome
  • I feel generally in control of my work and how I do it
  • I get a lot of satisfaction from completing tasks
  • I get a lot of satisfaction from contributing to helping other people complete their tasks
  • I never feel any conflict between my personal values and what I’m asked to do at work
  • No matter how busy we are, we always make time for each other
  • We are interested in each other’s lives outside work
  • We are good at seeing the ridiculous side of situations, even when things have gone badly wrong
  • We laugh with each other, not at each other
  • I have lots of friendships at work
  • We get concerned when we see a colleague feeling down
  • We have our most creative ideas when we have less serious conversations, with lots of laughter 
  • We feed off each other’s enthusiasm and creativity
  • We are pleased by each other’s successes and achievements, both at work and elsewhere
  • We are happy to blur the boundaries between our social lives at work and outside work


For very tick or Yes, count them up: 

14 and above:  Your work environment plays to your energies and interests, gives you the support you need and generally feels like a great place to work.

8 – 14: The working environment is neither consistently supportive or unsupportive.

0 – 7: This is not a team climate where people can thrive and bring their whole selves into collaborative work.

© David Clutterbuck. All rights reserved

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