Innovation & Risk Review Template

Use this template as a guide to review innovation and risk in your organisation:

Innovation Risk

Define the problem

Why is this an issue?
What are the benefits of tackling it?
What are the benefits of not tackling it?
Who are the stakeholders?
How would each stakeholder group define the problem?
Why do we need to deal with this now?

Define the boundaries

Is this part of a larger problem?
Is it really several linked problems?
What constraints are we operating under?
What do and don’t we know about the issue? 

Concave creativity (idea generation)

What are the possibilities?
What didn’t work before?
What if….

Convex creativity (idea development)

How can we synthesise, integrate and develop these ideas?
What might make these ideas work?

Values check

What does the proposed solution say about the organisation and us?
How comfortable and committed do we feel to this solution?

Creativity in implementation Planning

What is our plan for making the idea reality?
What resources do we need?
Who is responsible for what?
What are the timelines for each element?
How will we monitor progress?

Define the problem

What could go wrong?
What are the risks of tackling it?
What are the risks of not tackling it?

Define the boundaries

How frequent / likely is it? (Probability)
What is the potential seriousness, if it does happen? (Impact)


What can we do to prevent the problem?

Building understanding

What systems are operating here, which may not be obvious?
Will changes in one area create potential problems in another?

Values check

Will our culture support this change?


What could go wrong?
How will we know in time to prevent serious consequences?Can / should we test on a small scale?

Innovation Risk

How will we manage the risks? (E.g. how will we manage delays / troubleshoot?)
How will we know we have succeeded?


What is the capacity for the organisation to absorb this change?
Do we feel in control? Is that feeling justified?


How do we know the change has “stuck”?
What might make / allow people to backslide?
When should we return to this issue?


What could go wrong?
How will we know in time to prevent serious consequences?


What could go wrong?
How will we know in time to prevent serious consequences?


© David Clutterbuck, 2020

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