Your competences as a mentor

Score yourself 1 to 5 (5 being high) on the following statements. If you will find it useful, ask people, whose opinion you trust, what they would say.


  1. I have reflected deeply on my professional experience
  2. I have reflected deeply on my experience of life
  3. I invest time in my professional development
  4. I believe that the need to keep learning is an essential competence for a leader
  5. I have a strong track record of developing my direct reports
  6. I try to be a good coach to my direct reports
  7. I see mentoring as an opportunity to learn from someone with a different perspective
  8. I see mentoring as an opportunity to have some of my assumptions challenged
  9. I understand the politics of my business or profession
  10. I am able to act authentically in a politicised environment
  11. I am able to help someone else see the big picture
  12. I have a good sense of humour
  13. I am good at listening
  14. I am good at using story to explain things
  15. I have the patience to help someone else articulate their concerns
  16. I have a strong belief that everyone has potential to achieve more
  17. I understand my own and other people’s emotions
  18. I am able to express my own emotions
  19. I challenge assumptions and behaviours I think are wrong
  20. I am able to help other people set and work towards challenging goals
  21. I recognise that it’s more important for someone to find their own career path than to follow mine
  22. I like to have intelligent, creative conversations
  23. I prefer to help people work things out for themselves, rather than tell them what to do
  24. I realise that my experience isn’t always relevant to someone from a different generation
  25. I have the skill to listen more than I talk

© David Clutterbuck, 2014

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