A trust recovery process is a set of procedures to implant whenever a failure occurs, which has the potential to diminish trust, either within the team or between the team and a stakeholder. The key stages are:
- Recognise and acknowledge that trust has or might have been breached.
- Establish the good intent and “where we didn’t meet our ideal”. Much of the time, the stakeholder won’t have noticed or won’t have been bothered, but the fact that you are bothered goes long way to build a trust reservoir you can draw on
- Identify what problems were caused and how you can alleviate them — it’s important that any gestures you make are relevant and not seen as gratuitous. For example;e, if a customer’s bulbs get lost in transit, giving them their money back will be much less appreciated than making sure they get the promised order (or as close as ;possible) plus some extras they weren’t expecting.
- Identify where in the process chain things went wrong and how you are going to improve the process to make failure less likely in future.
- Follow up to check “Is there anything more we can do?”
Copyright – David Clutterbuck